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Why Should I Use a Tutor? ~ Top 5 Reasons

Believe me, I’ve gotten this question more than once – and in the years I spent determining that tutoring was my life’s path, I accumulated a lot of answers. As someone who made regular use of tutors when I was a student, I now feel qualified to answer this question from both sides. Below are my top five answers to this question… but before I list them it seems important to dispel one common misconception from the beginning: deciding to hire a tutor is by no means an admission of defeat. In fact, it is quite the opposite: it is a recognition that whatever obstacle you’re facing in your progress is on its way to being overcome, with a little nudge or perhaps with a slightly different lens. It is a dare to whatever it is within you that harbors doubts. Deciding to hire – or not to hire – a tutor should never be a point of pride (I’ll even let you in on a little secret: most tutors I know have used tutors at some point in their lives). Whew. Now that that’s out of the way: Read More »Why Should I Use a Tutor? ~ Top 5 Reasons